Show up for the people and patients you care about most

Have an experienced veterinary technician answer calls after-hours, so you can keep your work life and home life separate

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Trusted by thousands of veterinary professionals

Say goodbye to burnout

Make sure you receive only the most important calls with triage

Read the case study

Give continuity of care

Give continuity of care

Read the case study

What is burnout costing YOU?

2,841 after-hours cases triaged

- Cascade group, AH of Wenatchee, WA

455 hours of phone time saved

- Cascade group, AH of Wenatchee, WA

128 emergencies handled

- Rural Practice, Greywolf, WA

What could you do with an extra $1,000/week?

You know clients want continuity of care. But you don’t want to compromise quality of life… Neither do we…

GuardianVets is how we can maintain it and give you extra $$ to invest in Taking care of their team / Enhancing diagnostic equipment / Upgrading facilities / Investments / Hiring another position that matters

Practice medicine, not management

Want to learn how we can support your team? Book a 15-minute demo below:

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